Imo these are the sassiest animals.
1) Parrots
2) Dolphins
3) Raccoons
4) Crawfish
5) Dogs that wear shoes
Imo these are the sassiest animals.
1) Parrots
2) Dolphins
3) Raccoons
4) Crawfish
5) Dogs that wear shoes
I’ve written many things! Here are some of them:
I have a comedy band with Taylor Fugit. We’ll play at your show if you want.
I wrote this for my UCB Maude team, The Audacity
I got to the bottom of whether or not Vanna White and Pat Sajak have ever gone to pound town.
I wrote this for my UCB Maude team Karate Karate.
This comedy song I wrote and performed in was featured on
I wrote and ‘animated’ these videos that parody viral Facebook videos I hate.
I’ve taught chemistry at the college level for over five years. I started a chemistry YouTube channel to help out students around the globe!
In addition to my comedy writing, I also write the Abound blog, handle their social media, and write videos for Ranker.